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A.I. Konovalov


A.E. Arbuzov IOPC of KSC of RAS, Arbuzov str. 8, 420088 Kazan, Russian Federation

E-mail: Konovalov@knc.ru


«Effect of ultra-low concentration and electromagnetic fields» was discovered [1-6]. This phenomenon consists in formation of nanosized associates (nanoassociates) in highly diluted aqueous solutions (10-20 -10-6  M) in the presence of external electromagnetic fields. The main part of such nanoassociates is water. Nanoassociate parameters change nonlinearly with a change in the concentration of solutes (the effective hydrodynamic diameter and æ-potential are within 100-400 nm and in the range from -2 to -20 mV). It was established that changes of nanoassociates properties (size and æ-potential) depending on solute concentration determine changes of physicochemical and biological properties of such solutions. It has been shown that the extreme values of nanoassociates parameters, solution characteristics, and bioeffects are observed in nearly the same concentration ranges of BACs in solutions. We have established that a definite molecular structure of a substance is necessary for the formation of nanoassociates and "anomalous" properties in aqueous solutions in low concentrations, i.e. there are substances either able or not able to exhibit this effect.

We have shown that, in addition to the solutes and the water structures connected with them driving force of the nanoassociate formation in solutions in the interval of concentration 10-7 - 10-20 M are the low intensity electromagnetic fields. The nanoassociates don’t form and solutions do not exhibit any anomalous properties in hypogeomagnetic conditions.


The work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant 10-03-00147), program 6 CMS RAS, and program 5 Presidium RAS.




1. I.S. Ryzhkina, L.I. Murtazina, Y.V. Kiseleva, A.I. Konovalov. Properties of Supramolecular Nanoassociates Formed in Aqueous Solutions of Biologically Active Compounds in Low or Ultra-Low Concentrations// Dokl. Phys. Chem., 2009, V. 428, ¹ 2, p. 196–200.

2. I.S. Ryzhkina, L.I. Murtazina, Y.V. Kiseleva, A.I. Konovalov. Supramolecular Systems Based on Amphiphilic Derivatives of Biologically Active Phenols: Self-Assembly and Reactivity over a Broad Concentration Range// Dokl. Phys. Chem., 2009, V. 428, ¹ 2, p. 201–205.

3. I. S. Ryzhkina, L. I. Murtazina, E. D. Sherman, Yu. N. Valitova, E. A. Kataev, A. I. Konovalov. Physicochemical Substantiation of the Hormetic Response of Biosystems for Wastewater Treatment to the Action of Solutions of N,N-Diphenylguanidinium Bis(hydroxymethyl)phosphinate// Dokl. Phys. Chem., 2010, V. 433, ¹ 2, p. 142–146.

4. I. S. Ryzhkina, Yu. V. Kiseleva, L. I. Murtazina, N. P. Pal’mina, V. V. Belov, E. L. Mal’tseva, E. D. Sherman, A. P. Timosheva, A. I. Konovalov. Effect of á-Tocopherol Concentrations on the Self-Organization, Physicochemical Properties of Solutions, and the Structure of Biological Membranes//Dokl. Phys. Chem., 2011, V. 438, ¹ 2, p. 109–113.

5. Ryzhkina I.S., Murtazina L.I.,  Nemtarev A.V.,  Mironov V.F., Kataev E.A, Konovalov A.I. Self-association of a phosphate receptor along and with a lipidomimetic in water: Effect of receptor low concentrations on the catalytic activity of mixed systems//Chemical Physics Letters, 2011, V.511, P. 247-250.

6. I.S. Ryzhkina, L.I. Murtazina, A.I. Konovalov. Action of the External Electromagnetic Field Is the Condition of Nanoassociate Formation in Highly Diluted Aqueous Solutions// Dokl. Phys. Chem., 2011, V. 440, ¹ 2, p. 201–204.