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1 Chuhrayeva О.N., Butskaya L.V., 1 Chuhrayev N.V., 1Zelezko О.V.,1Pachavskiy I.S, Butskiy V.V.


National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI», ukraina2006@narod.ru

2Research Institute of "Medical Technology Innovation», nv11111@mail.ru


Development and implementation of automated systems with external data carriers for the assessment and restoration of the functional state of operators working in different conditions - is main task of the telemedicine [1,2].

The researchers were given the following tasks: optimization of automated control of the health of target populations, study the effectiveness of an automated accounting system of an inspection and determination of rehabilitation potential, and rehabilitation activities, evaluation of the ability to record, store and process the received information in an automated mode, the formation of the database options for rehabilitation and programs for rehabilitation complexes with external carriers. As a result of the work we have come to the conclusion that the complex for automated evaluation of the functional state of the human body should include: data from blood pressure, body temperature of human respiratory lung function; cardiointervalography with functional tests, surveys, complaints, medical history, diagnostic results of investigations of biologically active point areas of the hands, feet and aurikular shells, iris, complete blood count. The resulting information are stored on individual external storage devices (smart cards) and are entered into the database of the personal computer. In the database, and on the smart card stored the following information: surname, first name (name), card number and personal data 10 inspections, with the fixation of all the studied parameters earlier, data from the sensors are automatically entered into the program, financial transactions for medical monitoring and treatment, a database of therapists and patient. The full access rights have the user (individual password), chief physician and administrator. It may be possible to view deleted records. If it is need for the examination, the doctor may choose a patient from the database or to obtain personal data from smart cards, data from the sensors will automatically entered into the program, after the inspection of the diagnostic results the operator may be allowed, not allowed to work, aimed at further treatment. Are provided a daily basis to automatically save a backup and archiving of stored database that ensures the recovery of corrupted or lost database from a backup stored or archived. It is possible to synchronize the databases of various items with postage over the Internet or LAN. This system was tested by 20 drivers. Operational monitoring and the ability to compare the obtained on different days of the survey of health information surveyed, allowed to provide urgent preventive physiotherapy functional correction of the drivers on the prenosological stage, which increased the possibility of preventive measures.

Using the developed system for people working in conditions of high psycho-physical activity, according to the authors, provides additional capabilities for managing human health working in extreme conditions, using recorded on the smart card data for individual selection of multi-level effects of physiotherapy. The use of automated systems with external data carriers is an important step towards the creation of automated preventive physiotherapy management of health systems operator.


Автоматизированная система с внешними носителями информации на основе многоуровневой оценки и низкоинтенсивной физиокоррекции функционального состояния операторов


1 Чухраев Н.В., Буцька Л.В., 1 Самосюк Н.И.,1 Чухраева О.М.,1 Железко О.В.,1Пачевський И.С., Буцкий В.В.


Национальный Технический Университет Украины «КПИ», ukraina2006@narod.ru,

2Научно исследовательский институт «Медицинские Инновационные Технологии», nv11111@mail.ru



1. Буцкая Л. В. Анализ и некоторые критерии оценки показателей электропунктурной диагностики у лиц, находящихся под воздействием интенсивных психофизических нагрузок / Л. В. Буцкая / / Сборник трудов сотрудников КМАПО им. П.Л. Шупика. Выпуск 8. Книга 1. - К.: - 1999. - С. 516-525.

2. Самосюк И.З. Использование методов пунктурной физиотерапии для оценки и коррекции функционального состояния в медицинской реабилитации спортсменов (методические рекомендации МОЗ Украины) // И.З. Самосюк, Л.В. Буцька.– К.:2010.– 32 с.